We're calling all slackers! You will be happy to learn that jobs for lazy people are readily available.
You can earn a good living while hardly lifting a finger. Forget grueling years of schooling and long hours to bring home the bacon.
Did you know that some of the best jobs in the world come from people dreaming up big ideas while couch surfing?
How could we ever live without the microwave or the television? There's nothing wrong with being lazy as history shows that it can be the mother of efficiency.
If you need money but don't want to break a sweat getting it, then you are qualified to be a brilliant loafer. Here are ten careers for lazy people that you can do.
Private Detective

Private detectives use their brains instead of their brawn. If you like the lackadaisical lifestyle, then you will appreciate playing on the internet, driving around in your car, and taking the occasional picture for your client.
Sure, you may have to do some computer work to track down your subject, but you can do it all in the comfort of your home.
You will love the fact that many private detectives don't even need to leave their pajamas to accomplish their work.
What is the salary of a Private Detective
The beauty is the compensation levels of this career. You can earn up to $48k annually. The pay is not too bad for someone who plays on the internet most of the day.
Don't even think about a job that pay 15 an hour as you will make way more on this career path.

If you're looking for the best job for lazy person, then you might want to consider going into the ministry.
Many pastors get a set salary and don't do anything but put together a sermon for Sunday and Wednesday.
Sure, there may be some other special events, but most clergy members don't keep 9-5 hours. No need to come up with excuses to miss work either since the pastor calls the shots.
The key is the size of the congregation. More prominent churches pay their clergy members more than smaller ones.
What is the salary of a Clergy
However, they may expect more too. You can make anywhere from $60k-$120k a year and its easy work.
Of course, you need to have a good personality, be inclined to work with others, and have a spiritual background.
Security Guard

Security guards have an easy job. The trade requires hours of sitting and playing games or surfing the web while monitoring a building or parking lot.
You may need to get up occasionally to stroll the perimeter of the area you're protecting or to check identification for entry.
The chances are that you won't encounter anything serious, and you probably won't need to carry a gun. Security is necessary to watch over apartment complexes, warehouses, and everything in between.
When considering high paying jobs for lazy people, then security guards should be at the top of the list.
What is the salary of a Security Guard
If you're looking for a job that pay daily, then hooking up with an employment agency and doing assignments at random can also be lucrative. You can make up to $40k a year.
Truck Driver

There's nothing better than a road trip. You get to see some amazing sights and meet all kinds of interesting people.
If you're smart but lazy and know the basic rules of the road, then you can drive for a living.
You can blast your tunes as you head out on the highways across America. There’s a whole world out there waiting to be discovered, and someone will pay you well for your expertise.
If you can spend about 8-10 hours each day driving without issue, then the life of a trucker may be calling you.
What is the salary of a Truck Driver
Trucking is lucrative as you can make about $58k a year on average.
Teach People to Speak English

Do you have a good grasp of the English language? Do you know how to identify the difference between their, there and they're?
If you have a webcam, then you can open your home and knowledge to someone trying to learn the language.
Numerous companies are begging for people to teach others how to speak English. Some require a degree, but others want you to pass a test.
Bottom Line: the Chinese are eager to learn English, and many jobs focus their attention in this area of the world.
What is the salary of a Teach People to Speak English
When considering easy jobs that pay well, then an ESL English teacher is one of them. Plus, you can make over $50k a year doing it.
Project Management

Do you love telling others what to do? Are you a master at delegating projects? If you tend to be more of a leader than a worker, then you may be perfect for project management.
Once you gather a team with the proper tools and resources, then you won't need to lift a finger.
Just check in on the crew to make sure things are going smoothly and kick your feet up and relax. Project Management is needed in almost every industry, find one that you have some knowledge about.
It’s one of the best jobs for lazy people and those that tend to wallow in their slothful ways.
What is the salary of a Project Management
Project managers make an average of $75k each year, which is not too bad for a delegating expert.
IT Systems Administrator

You can't consider lazy jobs without thinking about IT workers. These people are smart, but they won't break a sweat at work. They simply sit in front of computers all day long.
Many individuals work remotely and can do their job from the comfort of home. If you tend to be a wizard when it comes to mainframes and motherboards, then it's one of the best ways to make money with little training.
What is the salary of a It Systems Administrator
IT is a lucrative career path where people start out at around $80k each year.
Food Critic

Do you love to try new and exotic foods? Are you up for the challenge of critiquing the cooking of others? Who doesn't like to eat?
One of the best jobs for lazy people is being a food critic. You can try new restaurants and eat for free. The only thing you need to do is rate the food and service.
What is the salary of a Food Critic
You can make up to $88k a year as a food critic. Talk about a cakewalk!
Real Estate Appraiser

A real estate appraiser is a valuable job when buying, selling, or refinancing a home or business.
Most of the time, these people drive by, look at the spec sheets, and compare comps in the area to determine a value. Being an appraiser is one of the great jobs for lazy people.
What is the salary of a Real Estate Appraiser
If you deal with traditional real estate, then you can make anywhere from $40k - $100k a year. If you lend your expertise to the commercial sector, then you can make up to $126k each year.
Breath Odor Evaluator

Okay, so it’s not the best job in the world, but smelling breath can bring big money. The companies that make gum and breath mints need evaluators to smell the breath of the people using the products.
A day at work includes smelling and evaluating the breath of others to gather results for the company.
What is the salary of a Breath Odor Evaluator
These jobs are given to the freelance community, but it's certainly an exciting line of work. You can make up to $64k a year doing this full-time.
Finding the Right Career Path
Lazy jobs are everywhere, but most people don't realize how lucrative a slothful career path can be.
There's no reason to break a sweat, be stressed out, or dread the grueling red tape and politics of the office.
You can break free and collect a healthy paycheck too. These ten occupations give you a great selection of jobs for lazy people, so it's time to get to work.